Thursday, September 10, 2015

"Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End" (First Impressions - "Summer Lovin'" - Season 7, Episode 1)

Finally, the press release for the season opener has arrived.  And while there's no mention of what role Alex might have in it, there's one little interesting tidbit in the guest list: Sanjay is making a surprise early re-appearance (for some reason whomever writes the press releases keeps misspelling his name as Sunjay).

I'm not sure what to make of this - has Sanjay changed his mind and decided to go to CalTech instead of Stanford, hoping to keep the relationship going with Alex (or, failing that, renewing their rivalry)?  Or is he just there to say goodbye to her (opening up the door for Alex to start a new relationship with someone else at CalTech)?  This could be one of those sneaky little Alex stories that steals the thunder (at least in my mind) from the big ones (like in "Queer Eyes, Full Hearts").

My first instinct when I first saw this was that at least my one main worry about the opener wouldn't come to pass: that Alex might still be on her European vacation and that we wouldn't see her (possibly starting that possibility of many Alex-less episodes I'm dreading for this season) - yes she invited Claire to join her and we know in this episode Claire's home and going to be busy trying to help Haley win back Andy, but there's always the chance Claire couldn't go for some reason and Alex went by herself.

However after thinking about it that's still a possibility, albeit thankfully a longshot - perhaps Sanjay comes to say goodbye, not knowing Alex isn't home?

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