Monday, September 7, 2015

“'You Could Do So Much Better”

I'm still waiting on the press release for the season opener – usually it comes out about 2 weeks before the episode airs, often on Monday but I figure the holiday is holding up things this week. I'm still not expecting anything special from it, but at least it gets us closer to the start of things.

I meant to do this last week, but here's my idea of a better Alex-centric marathon than what USA Network gave us last Tuesday (they made mostly good choices, but left out a few obvious ones. And, seriously, USA, “Regrets Only”? Yes, Alex gets to get under Haley's skin in that one, but the story's not even close to being about her).

I've chosen to schedule them in chronological order as opposed to quality order (although, for now, the best episode does air last). Also, I've not put any of last season's episodes in this list at this time, since USA doesn't get to air them for a couple more months (I'll put up a revised list when the time comes). Finally, unlike last Tuesday's marathon, there's 10 episodes (i.e. a typical five hour block)  and no break in the middle for one of USA's original shows:

      7:00  Come Fly With Me
      7:30  Up All Night*
      8:00  The Kiss
      8:30  See You Next Fall
      9:00  After the Fire
      9:30  The Last Walt
    10:00  Yard Sale
    10:30  A Slight at the Opera
    11:00  Goodnight Gracie
    11:30  Under Pressure

*(OK, like “Regrets Only” this one doesn't really involve Alex, either, but at least she does get to do the wrap-up monologue, plus it balances out the schedule a little with a second 1st season episode.)

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