Sunday, October 18, 2015

“'Cause What About, What About Angels?”

Just a few notes and thoughts for a Sunday pre-football:

Episode 10's tentative tile is “Spread Your Wings”. It sounds interesting if it involves Alex, but that sounds more like it would refer to one of the other kids.

I still have no idea what's going on with episodes 7 & 8 (no titles yet). I have a feeling there has to be a switch somewhere, since the tenth episode to air is likely to be the Christmas episode, and “Spread Your Wings” doesn't really sound like a Christmas title, unless someone (Jay? Claire? Alex?) gets a Scrooge-like story involving angels.

If not that, then my best guess for now for an Alex story for Christmas (if any) would be a possible return of Sanjay when he comes home from Stanford for the holidays (I don't think their story is quite over yet, but if/when he does come back I'd like to see Alex read him the riot act before any reconciliation).

 "Connection Lost" and "Grill, Interrupted" are both missing from the schedule of Season 6 USA Network repeats (i.e. ABC will probably air them again during the holiday re-run break).

As expected, there will be a couple of weeks' break after this week's episode (“The Verdict”). Next Wednesday ABC repeats last year's Halloween episode, and there is a music awards show preempting everything the following Wednesday.

So I probably won't be posting much after Wednesday until a press release for “The More You Ignore Me” arrives or we find out the titles for 7&8.

As much as I thought the duckling story with Phil and Lily was a missed opportunity last week (I thought the two would have more chemistry together), the real missed opportunity was probably about five or six years ago – wouldn't that have been a perfect chance for a bonding moment between Alex and her father back when the show was just getting off the ground?

Even apart from the fact that Alex was missing, “She Crazy” was a rather dull episode – I opined elsewhere that it would have been more interesting to see 30 minutes of Alex moping about Sanjay (bad choice of words on my part, given her frame of mind probably runs deeper than merely being down in the dumps – I was just thinking off the top of my head and trying to be subtle about rather seeing a whole episode about Alex than an episode totally without her when I wrote it).

Of course, around here, that goes without saying...

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