Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Just A Day, Just An Ordinary Day"

I'm not sure when I'll be posting a recap of tonight's episode, "The Verdict".  I have an early doctor's appointment tomorrow so I don't know if I really want to stay up until 12:30 in the morning to post it after the West Coast showing ends at 9:30.

It will all depend on how the story goes.  If not much happens, I'll post in the morning when I wake up.  But if something good or bad happens, I'll stay up and post at the usual time.

So just what am I expecting for tonight?

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium.  I know you think that's not nearly as high as you would expect, but there are two factors which diminish my enthusiasm for tonight: 1) The story is probably going to be more about Claire (and her interaction with her employees) than it will be about Alex (who may very well literally be just along for the ride), and 2) it's likely this will not be a big game-changer of an episode as far as Alex's future goes - it's more probable it will be played just for laughs.

Heartbreak Potential Level: Low.  Again, I expect tonight's story to be played out for laughs, so I'm not planning on much emotion, unless Alex is still down in the dumps about Sanjay.

Do You Have Any Questions?

So, exactly why is Alex even going to Take Your Daughter To Work Day?  (I could ask this question about Haley too, of course, but this blog's not about her.)

Will it turn out that Jay put Claire up to this?  The theory here is maybe this could be part of Jay's plan to make Alex the leader of the family someday (going back to their talk in his car at the end of "Grill, Interrupted") by showing her what happens at his company.  Unlikely, but...

Will Alex's breakup with Sanjay even be mentioned?

Finally, will ABC air a promo for the next episode coming in three weeks, and if they do, and everything for Alex hits the fan there, will it be mentioned?   

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