Thursday, October 22, 2015

“I've Got The Time And I'm Wasting It Slowly” (“The Verdict” Recap)

OK, maybe that lyric is a bit harsh considering that as a whole this was a very funny episode.


Basically, this was just one of those episodes where Alex was little more than part of the scenery (as was Haley). In the end, I have no clue why they even bothered putting them in Claire's story (other than they rarely let anyone on the show interact with only non-family members for any length of time) – let them do their own little story.

(By the way, why were they the only “kids” there? Do none of the other employees have daughters?)

I take it Sanjay never wore clogs. At least once Alex took a romantic interest in him.

Even though she was talking about possibly dating another guy, I don't think she's over Sanjay yet.

Does anybody really believe Alex would have a school day with a last class at 10 A.M.? 10 at night, maybe.

And that's about it.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Nobody but you (Claire) could put up with this much punishment and keep going.” That was pretty close to being her only line, actually.

And so, it's time for a break. Unless I get some weird inspiration I'll be back when something happens.

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