Monday, October 26, 2015

"You Made Me Promises, Promises"

OK, I found a reason to post without any new news after all.  Every once in a while I like to read some of my older posts (what blogger doesn't?), and I came back across this post from almost two months ago where I created my own Alex-centric Modern Family marathon.

At the time I held off from putting any of last season's episodes in it, because USA Network didn't have the rights to air them yet (that was the whole premise of the post - to improve on their choices from an Alex marathon about a week before my post).  Well, since now they are airing them, it's time for me to make good on my promise to revise the list.

I've decided to add two to the list - "Spring Break" (where Alex has that meltdown at that music festival) and "Patriot Games" (even though the story of her and Sanjay has, for now anyway, been rendered somewhat moot by their heartbreaking breakup, it's still the best episode from last season).

The question is, which two do I drop to keep the marathon at five hours?

The first one to go is "Up All Night". Yes while that means there is now only one Season 1 episode in the marathon, from an Alex-centric standpoint it was clearly the weakest of the original ten (i.e. the story's not about her and she really doesn't have much to do outside the ending monologue).  On the other hand, there was already a season (#5) with only one episode on the list albeit it was the best one.

The second one eliminated is "A Slight At The Opera".  This was an easier choice, since there were originally three episodes from Season 4 on the list, and it made sense to take the weakest one off it.

So, here's my revised Alex marathon (again, it's chronological):

      7:00  Come Fly With Me
      7:30  The Kiss
      8:00  See You Next Fall
      8:30  After the Fire
      9:00  The Last Walt
      9:30  Yard Sale
    10:00  Goodnight Gracie
    10:30  Under Pressure
    11:00  Spring Break
    11:30  Patriot Games

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