Wednesday, October 7, 2015

“Just The Foolish Beat Of My Heart” (“The Closet Case” Recap)

If you want to hate me for jinxing things this morning with my “very low” rating for heartbreak tonight, please get in line – once I've completed melting into that puddle of my own tears (God knows how long that will be) you may proceed.

To say that what happened to Alex tonight came from totally out of the blue might just be the mother of all understatements. Yes, I thought at some point there would be a breakup between her and Sanjay, but a) I didn't think it would happen just two weeks after that emotional final scene from the opener, and b) that it would happen in an episode where there were zero signs coming in that Alex would have much to do in it at all.

No, I'm not going to demonize Sanjay for breaking up with Alex. To me it was just a simple case of the distance being too much to overcome – try as they might even being in the top 1% couldn't save them, in spite of Alex's hopes from two weeks ago.

But I am unhappy with the writers for pulling the trigger on the breakup so quickly. And while the credit scene had its nice touches, it was more than a little creepy that they set it up so that Dylan would be in Alex's bed when she came home.

So just where is this going to lead for poor Alex? Is she going down that dark road I've fretted about for the past few weeks (or months, depending on the perspective)? If this does blow up I feel like the fuse was lit tonight. And I'm really getting scared it may end up being even worse for Alex than I already thought.

Kudos to Luke for staying with Alex.

I'm sorry but I can't think too straight tonight – I'm that gutted. Maybe in a few days...

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”I am alone.”


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