Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"She's Smiling, An Invitation To The Dance"

One quick scheduling note: USA Network begins airing Season 6 episodes tomorrow night, with the first four episodes starting at 9:00 (in the middle of an all-evening marathon).  Of more import to the early part of this year's schedule, they air 4 more next Thursday, but neither "Halloween 3: Awesomeland" or "Three Turkeys" (i.e. the two holiday episodes, which were the sixth and eighth episodes) are on the schedule.  So it looks like ABC is holding on to both of them for now, presumably to air as repeats near their respective holidays.  Neither is a surprise to me.

Anyway, so what's on my mind about tonight's "The Closet Case"?  Not a lot, really.

Anticipation Level: Very Low.  Obviously this went up a little bit when I found those other 2 promo photos of Alex talking to Manny and Luke at her dorm.  But the needle is still pretty far to the left, since it's unlikely the story is about her.

Heartbreak Potential Level: Very Low.  This time the "Very" stays.  I was totally wrong last week - I do not plan to be this week.

Do You Have Any Questions?

As Madonna queried in the song whose lyric I used this week, "Who's That Girl?"  Specifically, the other girl on the computer when Alex is Skyping to Luke: It's not Maisie - did she get a new roommate?

Just how do Luke and Manny get to CalTech to talk to Alex?  OK, that's not exactly an Alex-centric question, but I wonder if we have another new bad driver (or two) in the family.

And are they really going to Alex of all people (sorry) for relationship advice?   Remember I questioned this last year when Luke was flirting with the next door neighbors' daughter.

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