Wednesday, November 18, 2015

“Here's The Key To Unlock The Door”

After seeing all of the sneak peeks (5!) posted for this week's “Phil's Sexy, Sexy House” with not one sign of Alex in any of them, I was beginning to wonder if this wasn't going to be Alex-less episode number 2 after all (despite what I though originally about the whole family being together likely precluding that – there is precedent [“The Incident”, “Closet? You'll Love It!”] for a family gathering to not include Alex).

However, not to worry – I found a video of the promo commercial and she is in that. But does that make this episode any more interesting from her standpoint?

Anticipation Level: Low. Well, a little - I was going to rate this “very low” until I saw the promo but it's still not particularly high. This has all the makings of one of those total farcical episodes like “Three Turkeys” (last year's Thanksgiving episode), or “Las Vegas”. It may end up being a very funny episode, but Alex rarely gets a chance to shine much in screwball moments. It will be interesting though to see why Claire is judging Alex (unless it's just because she too has sneaked over to that house).

Heartbreak Potential Level: Very Low. Again, this episode looks to be mostly comedic – I'm not expecting any holiday emotional fireworks from Alex (Haley and Andy might be a different story) until maybe the Christmas episode in 3 weeks.

Do You Have Any Questions? See above about Alex being judged, otherwise just one other small one:

Will her status with Reuben (?!?) even be mentioned tonight?

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