Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"In The Sweet Spot" (First Impressions - "Clean Out Your Junk Drawer" - Season 7, Episode 8)

SpoilerTV has a two-for-one special today: links to both the press release and promotional photos for the next episode (in two weeks) on the same Web page.  The press release is a little bit interesting, the photos, meh.

Most of the attention and emotion will probably go to the adults, as they will be engaging in one, big couples therapy session (no, Dr. Clark is not involved, even though most of the adults often act like big teenagers) which could get, ironically given the title, messy.  All of the promo photos deal with their story.

But Alex does have something to do:

"Elsewhere, Haley and Alex meet up and counsel each other on their boy problems..." 

The most interesting thing about that?  Reuben is listed as a guest character again (as is Andy - since he's with Haley in tonight's show it looks like they might unsurprisingly heat up things again?), so I guess what seemed like little more than a brief fling between Alex and he isn't quite done yet (I still don't see them having a long-term relationship, though).

In one sense I'm not sure why they'll be counseling each other - Andy and Reuben are both rather dorky.  But in another sense I can probably guess how this might go: Alex wants advice on how to dump Reuben, while Haley wants advice on how to win back Andy.  (Or, as usual, I can be totally wrong.)

It looks like the show's trying to ride out something of a winning streak - Alex and Haley have had several very good stories when paired together the past couple of seasons (I'll just pretend for now that the opossum story in "The Feud" and the makeover story in "The Day We Almost Died" never happened).  But, right now, I don't think this one is going to have quite the emotional punch as some of the others - we'll see what develops but the girls might have to carry the comedy load in this one.  And it will probably be the story with the least amount time given to it so they likely won't have much time to make a special moment again.

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