Wednesday, November 18, 2015

“You And I, And Something More(?)” (“Phil's Sexy, Sexy House” Recap)

OK, I already knew there was more coming between them from reading the press release for the upcoming episode which I saw earlier today, but, I still have to say it....

Alex and Reuben? Again?

I know she said she was just helping him with math, but could she actually be getting serious about him, and not just as a rebound from Sanjay?

Maybe she is – and maybe that's why she (very atypically for her) wore a dress (albeit a fairly casual one) to a simple family get-together (two days after Thanksgiving where nobody else was dressed up). Remember what Gloria said to her way back in “Come Fly With Me” about wanting to look beautiful and wearing a dress when she one day wanted to date a cute boy? Although I do find it hard to even believe that Alex would find dorky Reuben to be that cute boy (OTOH, Sanjay's not exactly a Chippendale model either...)

I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks – maybe that's what Haley will counsel Alex about – teaching her fashion sense to attract boys (obviously it wouldn't be the first time)? Given that makeover she tried to give Alex last season, I'd find it very doubtful that that would be a good idea.

 Actually I'm surprised I came up with this much to talk about concerning Alex tonight – she didn't have much to do other than sneaking in with Reuben. Again I have to ask: why is she not using her dorm room where she'd have at least a little privacy, save for Maisie?

Well I did say that Alex doesn't get a chance to shine much in these maniacal episodes (actually this one seemed a bit watered down, save for Phil's hysterical virtual reality scene). But she did get off one killer line tonight:

Alex's Line Of The Night (to a role-playing Claire after getting caught with Reuben): ”You're really judging me right now when you look like a hooker at Comic Con?”

And so, we're off to another break – the start-and-stop scheduling of fall and early winter really is ridiculous at times (5 straight weeks of new episodes to start, then only 4 new episodes in 10 weeks). Enjoy your Thanksgiving – I'll be here if anything develops.

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