Monday, November 23, 2015

Woof Woof Woof, Woof Woof Woof, Woof Woof WOOF WOOF Woof (First Impressions - "White Christmas" - Season 7, Episode 9)

In case you are wondering what in the world that title is - it's my rather crude interpretation of the opening line to "Jingle Bells", as sung by The Singing Dogs.

So why would I do this? Because, sadly, based off the press release for this year's Modern Family Christmas episode, it looks like it might be a bit of a dog (they're going off to the mountains to celebrate, and this show's history with travel episodes is spotty at best). Or a howler.

Oh, and there's nothing about Alex's role in it, and Sanjay's almost certainly not going to be there either (or Reuben, for that matter).  So much for my hoped for reunion story.  The only possible intrigue is the line about everybody in the family being preoccupied with their own agendas - if so what would Alex's be?  Could she drop a pipe bomb announcement* (e.g. she tells everyone she's dropping out of school for some reason, or she and Reuben are [gasp!] getting married)?  Probably not (and I definitely hope not), but if it happens don't say you weren't forewarned.

*Actually, based off the press release, Jay may be the one dropping the bomb - at least one commentator on the article thinks Jay may announce his retirement, and that certainly is a possibility.  And while that may not affect Alex immediately, there could be ramifications down the line for her, again presuming she becomes the family leader someday in the (distant? not-so-distant?) future.  (Not to mention that maybe if this happens it starts the show itself towards its endgame.)

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