Wednesday, November 11, 2015

“There Must Be Some Misunderstanding” (“The More You Ignore Me” Recap)

And boy am I ever happy about it. Well, at least relieved. Never mind – I'm happy.

And, no, it turns out I'm not crying as I type this, even though I thought I would (from relief) even if (as happened) Alex's story didn't end badly.

Any other time I'd be at least a little disappointed that what looked like a game-changing episode for Alex turned out to be not such a big deal. But when the stakes get as high as the ones in tonight's episode were approaching, it's a good thing when it ends up being much ado about (almost) nothing.

And thankfully my credibility already needed a subway fare to be seen, since my many “Chicken Little” posts about tonight would surely have wiped a large amount of it away if there was even a small amount to begin with. I guess I'll have to express what's left of it in imaginary numbers (no, not "eleventy-five").

Anyway, a few notes about Alex's story itself:

We finally got a private camera scene with Alex, even if it only lasted a few seconds.

There are a lot less suspicious places to buy ice, Alex.

All breaths of relief aside, it's still a bit troubling that Alex keeps sneaking home, again given her wanting of independence. Couldn't she and Reuben have gone back to her dorm?

Wait, seriously, Reuben as a rebound “comfort” boyfriend? I guess that answers the question of just how hard she's taking her breakup with Sanjay. Did someone erase that memory of his sneak attack kiss from Alex's brain (not to mention the “date” she had to go on with him after that poker loss)? There's one relationship I won't be crying about when it ends. On the other hand, he's still better than Ronnie, Jr. (the obnoxious next door neighbors' son) or even Teddy (the last “rebounder” she dated).

The only way that scene could have been any more awkward (actually I'm saying that in a good way) would have been if Luke had popped in to see his friend lying bloodied on Alex's floor.

And what was up with her lying to Phil and Claire about her whereabouts (yes, I know, story advancement, etc.)? It's OK to have a life outside of studying, dear – you don't have to pretend that's still all you do.

(OTOH, it was Reuben...)

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”You know what? CalTech is hard – between all the geniuses and breaking up with Sanjay, I just wanted something comfortable, even if it is a wormy little dork that worships me.” The first part of that line might be the most interesting – will we see just how hard CalTech is for Alex down the line? For now, let's be thankful we still get to talk about this.

Hey, I did say I'd have plenty of questions after this episode ended – they just aren't the ones I expected to ask.

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