Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"You'll Never Make A Living From Reading Minds"

So we're now about 12 hours (15 on the West Coast) from having to "rip off the Band-Aid" and finding out what happens in "The More You Ignore Me".  In other words, I've reached the point of "let's get it over with":

Anticipation Level: Extremely High.  Yes, it's not a good anticipation by any means (except maybe we get one big Alex emotional moment at the end?).  But, what else does one call it when almost everything in this blog has mentioned this episode and what might happen for almost two months?  For better or for worse, this has become and probably will remain the most anticipated episode of the season.

I suppose a better title for this section this week would be "Fear Of Terrible Things Happening To Alex Level", or simply "Trepidation Level".

Heartbreak Potential Level: Extremely High.  Obviously if the worst happens Alex will almost certainly be devastated, as will I.  But from a personal standpoint, I have a feeling I'll still be in tears even if Alex gets through this with little damage, simply from the release of tension.

Do You Have Any Questions?  Right now, no - I think I've covered everything in the past few weeks.  After 9:31 PM tonight though I'm sure I'll have plenty.

I'll have something to say about 3 hours after that - I don't know how deeply I'll dive into things.

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