Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful"

Well, if you're going out to the mountains to try and celebrate a "White Christmas", then, yes, warmer than expected temperatures would probably be considered "frightful".  The promo commercial for tonight's episode does seem to indicate that at least we will see snow by night's end (unless it's fake snow - Green Acres pulled that trick once).

So, what do I think the final episode of 2015 will bring - presents or coal?

Anticipation Level: Low.  Alex might get a moment or two, but I just don't see anything big happening for her.  She has had her moments in travel episodes before though (the "Dude Ranch" kiss and the "Goodnight, Gracie" eulogy) so that door isn't totally closed.

Heartbreak Potential Level: Very Low.  Unless Jay's announcement is a real shocker (e.g. he says he doesn't have long to live) I really don't see Alex having her heart broken tonight (with neither Sanjay or Reuben in the picture*).

Do You Have Any Other Questions? Just a simple one:  What might Jay's announcement mean (if anything) for Alex?

So I guess I'm expecting coal - but maybe it can be turned into a diamond?

*P.S. I'm sad that life to some degree appears to have imitated art for Ariel (i.e. her apparent breakup with Laurent) - hopefully for her she's not as depressed about it as Alex was over losing Sanjay. (Publicly, yes she seems to be taking it in stride. Privately? Only Ariel knows how she feels, as it should be.  Hopefully the tabloids don't turn this into a circus, but I'm not holding my breath.)

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