Wednesday, December 2, 2015

“Yes, It's Over. Call It A Day.” (“Clean Out Your Junk Drawer” Recap)

Well, so much for AlBen. Or was it LexBen? Or maybe ReubEx?

No I'm not disappointed they broke up – I never felt they were right for each other. But I wish we would have seen more of their story tonight (not that I'm surprised that it was the least developed of all the stories), especially to see just how Alex handled the actual breakup (i.e. not the flashback of the first attempt). Although I don't particularly like Reuben, I hope she wasn't too hard on him, if only because she went through it herself recently.

Do they have pizza at 12:30 every day at CalTech (that same message was on the board the night Sanjay broke up with Alex)?

So now I guess we have to wait (maybe for quite a long time) to see what's next for Alex. Does she finally find someone at CalTech? Or does Sanjay re-enter the picture?

And Alex keeps saying CalTech is hard – are we ever going to find out just how hard? Is she still getting straight A's, or has she fallen back in the pack (or, Heaven forbid, worse)?

And will we see how she's coping with Maisie? Are they getting along or is Alex still not happy about living with her?

And what about Sisyphus, the hamster? (Oops, wrong story...)

Maybe I should stop asking questions – I need something to muse about during the looming almost month-long holiday break.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Well in my Newtonian* Mechanics class we're learning how to calculate the velocity of free-falling objects in a...” (blank stare by Haley) “School's hard.”

*Thank goodness for closed captioning because I had no idea what she said there (and here's a PDF of the first lecture from the course, I think...)

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