Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"In A Moment, Everything Can Change" (First Impressions - "Clean For A Day" - Season 7, Episode 12)

I'd like to say that my post from this morning was a brilliant attempt at reverse psychology, that by expressing my fear about Modern Family not having an episode on February 10th it would cause the opposite to happen.

I'd also like to say I was as rich as Donald Trump,  but that too would be bovine fertilizer.  Call it yet another example of my total lack of patience instead.

Anyway, cancel the panic alerts (for now), as there will be an episode on the 10th after all, as indicated by this (long awaited) press release and promo pictures.

And it could be a big one - in the middle of a story about the Dunphys tidying up their house, Alex is going to find something all too sentimental to her - one of Sanjay's sweatshirts!  And Suraj Partha (the kid who plays Sanjay) is listed in the guest star list as appearing, although it remains to be seen whether or not Sanjay comes back to L.A., or if we only see him in flashback mode (like the last time we saw Reuben before Alex broke up with him in "Clean Out Your Closet") - there was no sign of either Alex or Sanjay in the promo photos.

Will this be a heartwarming reunion, or just more heartbreak for Alex?  Compared to what I thought this morning, even the latter would be better.

The other more global note about this episode: it looks like Jay may already be starting his retirement so that might not necessarily be a focal story of the season finale (presumably Haley and Andy will still be) which could leave room for an Alex story to appear.  More importantly, this could signal that the powers-that-be aren't looking to wrap things up this season (though of course that in of itself doesn't guarantee there will be a Season 8).

And there's one other big milestone in the real world happening tomorrow, but I just can't remember what it is - give me about 18 years and I'll probably think of it...

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