Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Longer Than There've Been Fishes In The Ocean"

OK, this is starting to get more than a little bit troubling – press releases for the rest of the Wednesday comedies have been issued for February 10th episodes, but nothing for Modern Family.

Seriously? Another (insert NSFW word here) repeat while everyone else gets new episodes?

If that's the case not only would this make an already interminable break even longer (it would now be over a month - Alex might be collecting Social Security by the time we next see her), but it would put Modern Family three episodes behind the other shows (11 vs. 14). Does this mean we may only be looking at 21 episodes this season?

Or, possibly, does the season end (and possibly the show, if it revolves around Jay's retirement) with a doubleheader?

And the fact they'd only be airing two new episodes in February sweeps would speak volumes about what ABC now thinks about the show.

Finally, if it is a repeat, it's likely to be “She Crazy”, the only Alex-less episode of the season to date (not to mention the worst one, and that's only partially a coincidence).

Oh, brother.

Gotta go – I need to stock up on Kleenex for tonight's “The Closet Case” repeat.

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