Friday, February 12, 2016

"I'm Not Your Superwoman" (First Impressions - "I Don’t Know How She Does It" - Season 7, Episode 15)

The press release came out for this one a little bit early (maybe to get ahead of the holiday on Monday). "The Cover Up" is no longer listed on SpoilerTV's episode database, but I'm not sure if this is a new title for it or if that episode got pushed back and will reappear later.  A couple of the plots in the release make it possible that it's just a change in title.

None of the plots involve Alex, though, and with nobody in particular listed as a possible guest character for her to deal with (e.g. no Sanjay or Maisie) it looks like at best her role will be minimal, and at worst non-existent - while the release says generically that the kids are happy with Claire being able to keep up with both work and home duties, that does not necessarily include Alex, unless she has indeed returned home for good (and even if that's the case it's always possible she may be out of the episode anyway).  That question may or may not get clarified before this episode airs.

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