Wednesday, February 10, 2016

“Reunited And It Feels So Good” (“Clean For A Day” Recap)

Well, I ended up crying after all – it just didn't have anything to do with Alex. Darn it, Phil – why didn't you just take out the battery? Chickie did not deserve to die. (Side note: they just made my Easter season at work even more difficult, at least when people start buying the plush toys that make sounds.)

Anyway, back to Alex:

OK, the bad news is her story didn't turn out to be all that emotional. On the other hand, at least she and Sanjay are back together (for now), and I'm very glad Alex ends up happy for a change (having said that,  I did love one scathing line she got off before they made up). Hopefully it lasts longer than two weeks this time.

As for her blouse suddenly “changing color”, no comment (yes I can figure out what really happened).

I have a hard time picturing Alex ever playing Twister, even as a little girl – that just seems totally out of character for her.

And, surprisingly, given how pumped up I was for this going in, that's about it. They really should have taken more time with this story – it felt really rushed.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Hello, Sanjay. Or shall we call you 'Sans Feelings'?”

Gotta go – I've got some stuffed animals I need to cuddle...

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