Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"You Just Gotta Ignite The Light And Let It Shine”

It's finally time to kick off the second half of Season 7, and unlike that snoozer of a football game a few nights ago (except for the wiener dog commercial), tonight's “Clean For A Day” looks like it will not lack for excitement.

So, will there be fireworks? I think so.

Anticipation Level: Extremely High. This is an episode I've been waiting for ever since Sanjay broke up with Alex. Are we looking at their reunion, or is this going to be their final chapter (for now)? I don't want to get too excited, but I think tonight has the potential to be very special, as in (dare I dream it) “Under Pressure”-like special.

The only tempering factor here is just what role does Sanjay play in tonight's episode. If we only see him in a quick flashback scene then this episode will probably be somewhat less of a moment than I hope.   It still should be pretty good though.

But if he and Alex have a couple of “live” scenes (i.e. during the same time frame all the other stories play out), this one's got a real chance to be amazing, regardless of its outcome. (BTW, I know Sanjay's probably back at Stanford by now after the holiday break, but that doesn't mean they can't have a live moment on the phone/Skype.)

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Extremely High. OK, this was mostly symbolic, but I bought a box of Kleenex last night (actually I don't use Kleenex when I cry).

In other words, I'm totally expecting Alex to get emotional either from joy of a reunion, or deep sorrow from seeing the Sanjay chapter of her life end for good. Or a little of both, if she turns and finds someone else. And if Alex gets emotional, I'm sure as heck going to as well.

And if she doesn't (i.e. I'm totally off-base with my expectations and the episode turns into a dud)? Well, I'll still probably be crying, but in disappointment of a totally missed opportunity.

Do You Have Any Questions? 

Will they be together at the end of the night or won't be? Sadly, there is where I jump off the Optimist Train (without so much as a "woo hoo"), as the odds are against them getting back together.

Will this be Ariel Winter's Emmy Submission Episode for Season 7?  Of course we'll never truly know the answer (unless Ariel says something, which I doubt she'll do*), but if this episode is as good as I think it could be I think she might.  As much as I loved her emotional performance in "The Closet Case" she may have even more to work with here tonight.

I've only seen one commercial (no Alex) and no sneak previews for tonight, so there is still a chance for something to break (only if there's a second commercial – I doubt an emotional moment will show up in any sneak preview). You'll hear from me if that happens, otherwise, I'll be back later tonight.

*That's something I should ask her the next time she does an "Ask Ariel" tweeting session - just what type of episode she chooses when she submits one for Emmy consideration - a funny one or a dramatic one.

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