Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"You Oughta Be In Pictures"

Promo pictures are up for "The Storm".  Neither Alex nor Maisie are in any of them.

So is this good news or bad news?  Well, it depends on whether or not you see the glass as half-full or half-empty:

If you see it as half-full, then you believe this means that hopefully Alex and Maisie are still on campus and we'll get a story with just the two of them (maybe one of them is afraid of lightning and the other is there for consolation?)

But if you see the glass as half-empty, then maybe you think we'll only see them via Skype for a quick moment or two as someone from home tries to contact Alex.

And, if you're really, really pessimistic and see the glass as half-empty and it has a leak, then maybe you're worried that all we'll see is Maisie calling the Dunphys or vice versa checking on (a traveling in the storm?) Alex and we go Alex-less.  As doom and gloom as I can be I think the chance of this is extremely low (if for no other reason that one would think Alex potentially going missing in a storm would be a major story and not be hidden), but...

Or maybe it's none of the above (it is still possible they could both be at Jay's house, or only Alex with Maisie on Skype).

But that's a couple of weeks out - tomorrow morning it's back to focusing on this week's "Clean For A Day".

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