Monday, February 8, 2016

"She's Drifting Out To Sea" (First Impressions - "The Storm" - Season 7, Episode 14)

Hey, it's a (very belated) Festivus Miracle! Three new Modern Family episodes in a row!

And this highly anticipated episode (with the return of Alex's roommate Maisie) has been moved up into February sweeps!

(Wait for it, here comes the "But...")

But the press release mentions nothing about a story about Alex and Maisie, and it says the whole family is going to be at Jay and Gloria's house because of a power failure (where have we seen that before?)

So is Alex going to bring Maisie over? Is there still going to be a story between the two back at their dorm (i.e. Alex doesn't come to their house)?  Or is Maisie's involvement a one-and-done and Alex does little the rest of the way?

I'll give you three guesses which I think is most likely, and the first two don't count...

The storm mentioned in the story sounds impressive enough, but I fear "The Storm" is going to fizzle out.  Maybe the promo pictures will have better news.

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