Wednesday, March 23, 2016

“But In The End, It Doesn't Even Matter” (“Express Yourself” Recap)

Basically, just like last week, there isn't much to say about tonight's episode as far as Alex goes – she was basically doing her usual Alex thing, taking little jabs at the things Phil and Claire were saying about the quick Paris trip they planned (not that there's anything wrong with that – this blog wouldn't even exist if I didn't enjoy her sarcastic barbs).

But there was one line early on which rang more than a bit sad on a much larger scale:

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”I don't matter.”

Now in context her line was just a simple and not particularly emotional reaction to Phil trying to get his ducks in a row by mentioning to Claire that Haley and Luke were off elsewhere and they didn't have to worry about them while they were gone for a few days.

But, in a way, the line cut deeper, speaking volumes both in regard to Alex's role in her family, and her role in the show.

It's sad to hear that Alex still feels like something of an outcast and/or afterthought in her family, even if it's because they feel she's still the one they don't have to worry about, able to fend for herself no matter what life throws at her (whether that's actually still true or not is a different story).

As for her role on the show, that line had a bit of a “breaking the fourth wall” feel to it – as if she's saying that of all of the characters' lives on the show hers matters the least (and I've felt that way all along: over seven years Alex's life does seem to have had the least amount of focus IMO – yes there are moments like the last quarter of last season where her life has received more focus but, not surprisingly, this season her life has slipped back into the deep background, especially in the last couple of months).

Admittedly part of this is just a fact of life of Modern Family - with 12 characters there's bound to be a lot of episodes where each character (especially the kids) has to take a back seat. It just feels like Alex sometimes is left sitting in the trunk.

I keep hoping this changes some day, but...

A couple of other small points about tonight:

If Phil and Claire needed advice about staying up all night, why not ask Alex? She knows something about going without sleep for a night or three.

Luke wasn't around tonight, but they at least mentioned why (ski trip – I'm glad somebody in the family found some snow this winter)– how come they rarely if ever do this for Alex?

Time for another break – some time in the next 2 weeks I'll post a review of this past quarter – I doubt it will take much bandwidth.

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