Wednesday, March 23, 2016

"Don't Go For Second Best, Baby"

Yeah, right, as if tonight's "Express Yourself" has any chance to be even close to being the second best this season.  But the above lyric from Madonna's song of the same name is the closest I could find to fit for a post title, so...

Anticipation Level: Very Low. Oddly enough, Alex's appearance in the promo commercial actually lowered this - since it establishes that she's home it almost completely takes away the small chance of a small story for her on campus.  I suppose it could still happen, but since it was highly unlikely to begin with, I'm not holding my breath.

It's almost like a sacrifice bunt - it basically trades away most of the hoping for a big episode in order to save us from worrying about an Alex-less one.

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Very Low.

Do You Have Any Questions?: Over or Under 1.5 Alex scenes this week?  If this was a real bet, I'd take the under.

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