Monday, March 21, 2016

"Second Verse, Same As The First" (First Impressions - "The Party" - Season 7, Episode 18)

It's not exactly being brought back from the dead, but "The Party" has re-appeared on the schedule.

Unfortunately, still not appearing in a press release is any mention of Alex, while almost everyone else (except Haley and Joe) has at least some role.  The most likely scenario for Alex to make an appearance (if any?) would be Luke, Manny and Lily's story (I'm guessing when the fire alarm goes off they turn to her for advice, probably via Skype like last week).

So that's only going to leave 4-6 more chances for an Alex story this season.  I doubt at this point there will be more than one.

There is one small piece of good news: Alex does appear in the promo for this Wednesday's "Express Yourself", so it will not be Alex-less (I had the chance of that happening pegged really high until I saw it).  But since she's in a scene with Phil and Claire, who are going off to Paris for a weekend, I think this probably will only be a one and done night and an early one to boot - I highly doubt they are taking her with them.

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