Monday, April 25, 2016

"Everybody All Aboard - Anybody Wanna Take This Ride?" (First Impressions - "Crazy Train" - Season 7, Episode 21)

A quick word on my schedule first - unfortunately, this working Wednesday nights1 has for now become semi-permanent (ah the joys of working retail), so I will not be home when "Promposal" airs next Wednesday night at 9:00 - I won't get around to watching it until about 11:00 (assuming my DVR doesn't flake out on me, then it might not be until sometime Thursday after it becomes available on iTunes).  So I probably won't have a recap ready at the usual just after 12:30 time, unless I end up not having much to say (which actually has a good chance of happening, given how little I see Alex having to do next week).  I might make a temporary or placeholder post advising when the recap might be ready, but please don't hold me to that.

Anyway, back to my regularly scheduled ranting, as the press release for the penultimate episode of the season is ready.

And, lo and behold, Alex finally (!) gets a mention in it, at the very end of the synopsis:

"and Alex gets caught up in the romance of the train herself,"

OK, that doesn't exactly sound game-changing (especially since it sounds so much like an "oh, by the way" tacked onto the end), and I'm not 100% sure what that means - it may mean Alex goes in not really that thrilled about taking the ride (even apart from whatever shenanigans await with DeDe's wedding upon arrival), but then finds something fascinating about it during the trip (i.e. shades of her finding some Christmas spirit in "White Christmas").  Or maybe there is something "Love Boat"-ish about that particular train?

But seeing this is the first time we've even heard about Alex in one of these releases since "Clean For A Day" 9 episodes ago, I'll take whatever I can get right now.

1 I've asked for the Wednesday and Thursday off the week of the season finale ("Double Click") on the 18th so that I don't have to watch that one on delay, and if something big happens to Alex in it I want that Thursday off to recover - I really don't want to go into the store a total basket case if she has a "pipe bomb" moment.  Whether or not I'll get those days off is another story.

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