Monday, April 18, 2016

"We Broke Up For Good Just An Hour Before" (First Impressions - "Promposal" - Season 7 - Episode 20)

Well, we are getting a new episode on May 4th.  But, yet again, no mention of Alex.

[4/19 UPDATE: Promo pictures have been added, but, again (surprise, surprise) no sign of Alex in them either.]

The only thing I see of note in the press release is that Reuben returns.  There is a small chance there could be a quick moment between Alex and him, but I'm not counting on much - if the episode shows scenes from the prom that Luke and Manny are attending1 then we're more likely to see him there.

The possibility that Alex could have been Reuben's prom date (and part of the story) if she did not break up with him does not change my mind about that - I'm still glad she did end things with him.  Besides, even if they were still together, they probably wouldn't have shown her part of the prom story anyway, because, er, it's Alex.

So, barring something crazy, only two shots left for a final Alex story.

1I suppose if they do I could add that to the list of grievances about how little the show cares about Alex (they get to be seen at prom while Alex didn't) as opposed to the other kids, but that list's a post for another day, maybe.  If so, I doubt I'll wait until December 23rd to air them.

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