Wednesday, April 13, 2016

“Suitcase And An Old Guitar” (“Man Shouldn't Lie” Recap)

So everything went OK today with my medical procedure, although it left me a bit tired - I actually almost missed tonight's episode when I dozed off around a quarter to 6 and didn't wake up again until about 8:45 (I did have the DVR set just in case I was still a little loopy at 9). No, I wasn't quite as out of it as Alex was in “Hit And Run” after Phil gave her the drowsy medicine, but I'm still glad that's done.

Now, was it a good thing I woke up or not? Eh. Alex's story wasn't particularly big, but it was cute.

At least it was a little more than what we've had recently, and maybe Alex going up to Stanford to visit Sanjay on (hopefully many) romantic weekends might just mean they'll stick together for a while. OTOH, as slow as she drives, I wonder if any weekend won't already be over by the time she gets there (oh, wait, that might not be a bad thing if she had to stay longer [wink, wink]).

But seriously, though, more luggage? Is that all anybody ever thinks about when getting a present for Alex? At least Phil and Claire got her new luggage when she graduated (and 16 new pieces, not just 1 used one). I hope Haley was wrong about that being an “oops I forgot – here's the first thing I could find lying around” gift.

Should it be a shock to anyone I didn't see the totally telegraphed plot line of the dog stealing Alex's dinosaur bone coming? It was nice to finally have a funny “poor Alex” moment for the first time in a long time (her trying to get the bone back from the dog in the yard), as opposed to all the sad “poor Alex” moments1 we've had lately.

There was one big missed opportunity in this episode – I would have loved it if Alex had stopped by Mitch and Cam's house while Water To Wine was visiting and trying to replace their suddenly vanished member, and, instead of them needing a drummer, they would have needed a singer.  They really need to give Alex a chance to sing again.

Still, all in all it wasn't a bad episode, both for Alex and in general. Especially since there's (at least2) two weeks of repeats coming up (and I won't even be home for at least one of them – I'm working a [hopefully] rare Wednesday evening shift next week but I don't know yet if that's a one off or a permanent change).

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”That bone lasted 65 millions years and it couldn't even last one day in this house?”

1 Maybe during the break (or maybe during the summer) I really need to compile a couple of lists of the best “funny 'Poor Alex' moments” and “sad 'Poor Alex' moments”. There's at least two that could fall on both of them.

2 There's still no word yet on what they're doing on May 4th so a third repeat week can't yet be ruled out, although it's unlikely they'd air a rerun at the beginning of May Sweeps.

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