Wednesday, April 13, 2016

“Why Must I Chase The Cat?”

Given that tonight's “Man Shouldn't Lie” involves Alex, Sanjay and a dog (to varying degrees), I'd figured a line from “Atomic Dog” seemed fitting for the pre-show:

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium. I'd rate this higher, but it's still more likely than not that Alex mentioning a date with Sanjay in the sneak peek won't amount to anything. But, again, given how little we've seen of Alex the last couple of months just a sniff of a story at least gives us some hope.

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Low To Medium. Well, if something does happen Alex will probably feel something. If...

Do You Have Any Questions?

Will I even be awake to watch this tonight? Well, I'm probably still going to be at least a little groggy even at 9:00, so, maybe. If not, don't wait up for a recap – it probably would be sometime tomorrow before I get around to it (I took this week off because of the procedure I have to go through so I will have plenty of time).

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