Monday, April 11, 2016

“I Found A Light In The Tunnel At The End”

Well, for the first time in ages, something interesting may finally happen with Alex – click here to check out the sneak preview (the first third of it is the interesting part) for this coming Wednesday's episode.

If nothing else it means Alex and Sanjay are still together, for now.  And no Alex-less episode either.

Now there was no Sanjay listed in the guest character list for this episode, so I doubt we'll see anything directly from this upcoming date between him and Alex.  And, of course, it could just be a small aside that gets quickly forgotten for the rest of the show.

But maybe, just maybe they'll at least tell us what happens on this “anniversary”1 date and we actually get a little bit of an Alex story for a change.

Of course, even that could cut one of two ways, but even the worse of those two scenarios would be better than what we've had the last couple of months.

At least it's something to chew on – better than my actual life where I won't be chewing on anything for about the next 37 hours (any Range Game fans out there?) as I prep for my medical procedure on Wednesday morning.

1 Yes, I know they're stretching the timeline quite a bit, seeing as Alex and Sanjay didn't even start liking each other until early May last year, and we're only not even half-way through April yet this year.

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