Wednesday, May 4, 2016

“Come And Hold Me Silently” (“Promposal” Recap)

Sadly, sometimes it's easy to rush things and get a recap up on time even with 90 less minutes to do so than usual (I rushed home and started watching at 10:30) when there isn't a lot to discuss. This week is a prime example.

Pretty much what we saw in the promo was all we got as far as Alex was concerned – she spurned Reuben's first couple of attempts to get her to go to prom with him, then, as I guessed would happen, she finally caved and went with him anyway. But based on her mood in the final scene she clearly wasn't happy about it. That and the bland grey gown she wore which whispered “let's get this over with” (it was in far too muted a color to scream).

While it was never explained why she agreed (all three scenes she was in were very short, and the first two had more to do with Claire's “mole” story), I'm guessing she finally took her own words to heart (i.e. what she said to Claire about the world not being filled with heartless monsters) and decided to take pity on a sprinkler-soaked Reuben.

Either that, or she lost another bet to him...

The (merely) 3 or so seconds we saw of Alex at prom now that's she in college?  It's still more than we saw of her at any of her proms during her 4 years in high school.

And that's that, really. There wasn't even a private camera scene like I was anticipating.

Alex's Line Of The Night: (while rejecting Reuben and his accompanying 50's themed septet) ”Sha Na Nope.”

Maybe next week I'll have a reason to delay things.

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