Tuesday, May 3, 2016

“Dance With Me – I Want To Be Your Partner”

Just a reminder that I have to work tonight so I won't be watching tonight's episode until probably about 11:00 EDT (or later if something gets screwed up)1, so I'm not sure yet when I'll post the recap – if it's going to be delayed much longer than the usual 12:30 or so time that I have been posting (i.e. shortly after the West Coast airing concludes so as not to spoil anything) then I will tweet the approximate posting time to my semi-official Twitter account (@aystad1 - feel free to follow that account if you'd like, or just set up a browser tab searching for that account to keep up to date).

The same thing will hold true for next week, as again I will be working on Wednesday the 11th. I'm still hoping to get the 18th off so I can watch the finale “live” - I'll probably know by the end of this week and I'll keep you posted.

Anyway, let's get back to tonight's “Promposal”. Did seeing Reuben trying to get Alex to be his date for the prom in the promo change my expectations?

Anticipation Level: Low To Medium. Well, not a lot – basically instead of leaning to the low side of this range, my anticipation now leads to the medium. I still don't think this will be that big of a story, and I'm not particularly thrilled that Reuben still has a thing for Alex.   But then again, given how little Alex has been doing the past couple of months, anything is an improvement.

And I get to send the “Chance Of An Alex-less Episode” section on an early summer vacation, since we already know she'll be around for the final two episodes.

Emotional Moment Potential Level: Low. Unless a) Alex actually wants to go the prom with Reuben (as opposed to the more likely scenario of only agreeing to going out of pity or as a favor to someone else such as Luke), and then b) Reuben dumps her later, I just do not see it happening.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Will there be a private camera scene for Alex for the first time in ages2? I think it's a definite possibility we'll see at least one leading up to one or more of Reuben's attempts to woo Alex.

1 Of course, there is an upside to this – I get to skip through the commercials.

2 Just exactly when the last one was depends on whether or not you think the one she did with Haley and Luke early in “Playdates” (when discussing how they ended up giving Mitch that birthday coupon) counts as a truly private scene (since there were 3 people in it and not just Alex). I really don't because of that, so in my mind the last one was in “White Christmas” when she talked about changing her attitude during the vacation trip and “jumping aboard the fun train”.

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