Monday, May 2, 2016

"Let Me Repeat That" (Press Release News - "Double Click" - Season 7, Episode 22)

Or, perhaps more accurately, Press Release (Almost) NO News.  Yes there was a press release issued today regarding the Season 7 finale, but the synopsis was identical to the one issued a few weeks ago with the May Sweeps announcement, so no further clarification of Alex's story.

And the only person of any note in the guest character list is Andy returning for the finale after all - i.e. no Sanjay or Maisie or even Reuben (OK the last one's not a bad thing).  Which means probably at least one more story to clutter up the episode  (surely something has to happen between Haley and him) which means the story about Alex being home without anyone noticing will probably get less time, and also has less chance of being significant (there is already a Mitch and Cam story with serious cliffhanger potential, and a Haley/Andy story would make 2 and I doubt they'd go for 3 in one finale).

So the bottom line is 3 episodes left, maybe 3 Alex stories, but none look particularly big.

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