Monday, September 19, 2016

"Oh, My God, What's Wrong With My Head?" (First Impressions - "A Stereotypical Day" - Season 8, Episode 2)

Well, there's still no press release out for this episode, but I did find some photos for it from ABC's press website.  You'll have to scroll down a little to get to them, and you can click on them to see them larger (I'm surprised they let an unlogged person do this - much of this site is accessible only to members of the media).

(NOTE: Those who read/reread this posting a few weeks from now may not be able to find them - I'll post a more permanent link when/if I find one).

As you'll eventually see, there are photos of Alex in a bathrobe and others with her wearing a medical mask.  So it looks like this will be the episode where she contracts mononucleosis.  Whether it's a one episode story or it gets extended a bit remains to be seen.  Not to mention there's little clue of the gravity of her story, or how much focus it gets.

If there's ever a press release issued for this one I'll post it ASAP.  I'm wondering though if they'll skip that one and go right to "Blindsided".

Oh, and by the way I have to work next Wednesday night, so I won't get to see this one until later that evening (no worries this week for the opener, as I'm on vacation).

In other news:

Two new episode titles have been released:  The 5th episode is the bi-annual Halloween episode ("Halloween 4: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook"), and the 6th episode's title is "Grab It".  That's a bit weird scheduling-wise, since the 5th episode as of now is expected to air on October 19th, or a week earlier than you would think they'd air a Halloween episode.  So either there's probably going to be a switch, or there will be an early re-run (an early hint of another shortened 22 episode season?) which would push it back to the 26th.

Alex has yet to really have a Halloween story (I don't count her getting stuffed into a cage as a "story")  - maybe she's due?  On the other hand, "Grab It" is another "no idea if/how Alex would fit into it" title.

On the Emmy red carpet shows last night, Ariel used the words "heavy story lines" to describe why she wasn't able to fit a college workload into her show schedule and thus had to defer entering UCLA.  So, maybe there's more hope for a couple of big, game changing stories for Alex after all?

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