Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"There Is No Balance, No Equality"

I'm not sure if I should say "Finally" or "Well that didn't take long", but the press release finally came out for "A Stereotypical Day" just hours after I mentioned it.  Another set of the same photos I mentioned last night can be found at that link as well.

As for Alex, here's the money quote:

"Meanwhile, at the Pritchett (???) house, the entire family is using Alex's recent bout of mono to their advantage."

I'm guessing they mean the Dunphy house - I certainly hope it's not 11 against Alex.

It looks like we're looking at a mixed bag as far as story tone is concerned.  I'm guessing most viewers will see this as a funny story, while Alex fans like us will probably need Kleenex again, as we see poor Alex once again be treated cruelly by her family, especially if she has a meltdown over it.

Not to mention it looks like she's going to try and keep studying as hard as she can even while sick, instead of relaxing and getting some well needed and deserved rest.

Unless that leads to Alex finally having a revelation that studying doesn't always have to be the one and only priority in her life (the original synopsis for this season did say she'd learn to have a better life balance), I might be looking at writing yet another "yes, this is just fiction" post.

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