Saturday, October 22, 2016

"But Through Your Kaleidoscope"

So, with Season 7 now well and truly underway on USA Network, I figured it would be a good time to revisit and revise my Alex marathon (not that I think they're doing themed marathons anymore - every time I check it seems they're running episodes sequentially now).

The first question of course is which Season 7 episode(s) would I add to the list?  The answer this season is just one - "Spread Your Wings".  "The Day Alex Left For College" falls short because the key story isn't enough about Alex (had it been more about her than the rest of her family and Maisie I probably would have added it), and her story in "The Closet Case" is simply too short.  And, as a whole, neither episode is as good as the ones already on the list.

Which brings us to the second question: Which episode currently on the list gets bumped to make room for "Spread Your Wings"?  This is a lot tougher to answer than last year, simply because as the list evolves the weakest links become stronger.

I finally decided to drop "The Last Walt" (from Season 3) for two reasons: 1) There's still "After The Fire" from that season (I'm trying to have each season represented at least once1 - if we get to Season 11 in a few years then I'll have to revisit this, but I doubt we'll ever get that far), and 2) basically it's a simple trade of one Alex and Phil story for another, and "Spread Your Wings" is clearly the better of the two.

Which leaves the following as the new Alex marathon:

      7:00  Come Fly With Me
      7:30  The Kiss
      8:00  See You Next Fall
      8:30  After the Fire
      9:00  Yard Sale
      9:30  Goodnight Gracie
    10:00  Under Pressure
    10:30  Spring Break
    11:00  Patriot Games
    11:30  Spread Your Wings

During the next break (some time after Wednesday's episode) I'll do another sort of "If I Ran USA Network" fantasy scheduling, this time solely involving "Under Pressure".

1 "Yard Sale" and "Spring Break" would be the next two to go.

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