Tuesday, October 25, 2016

"Is This Anything?" - (First Impressions - "Grab It" - Season 8, Episode 6)

Well, here goes nothing - my first blog post using my new kick-butt computer I bought a month ago.  I'm notorious for being slow and a procrastinator - it's taken me that long to tweak the settings and stuff to the point I'm comfortable using this as my main computer, and I'm still not quite there yet.  As an example I think I finally have the proper cookie set on Firefox on this computer so that I'm not counting my own pageviews (the count you see on the bottom is now off by about 200 - twice I've reloaded all my tabs from the window I use for this blog and the count skyrocketed).  I'm not sure I have the pre-show template copied over so I might still need the old laptop for that post tomorrow.

OK, so if you're still awake after that long-winded paragraph, here's the news about the episode airing in two weeks.  My main source (SpoilerTV) hasn't posted the press release yet, but I found it on this alternate site.  Hopefully when SpoilerTV picks it up there will be promo photos included (if they do it today I'll post the link in tomorrow's pre-show post). [UPDATE: Here's the SpoilerTV link with photos.  It  looks like Alex and Claire end up at some book signing (the book is conveniently titled "Grab It") or something.]

Alex is mentioned in it, but I'm not totally sure what to make of this:

"At the Dunphy house, Claire mistakes her influence on Alex’s life choices, and Hayley [sic] cares too much about what Alex thinks about hers."

So does this mean the story is more about Alex or more about Claire and Haley?   I'm guessing the latter, but maybe there's hope for something deep for Alex here.
And it doesn't sound like we're going to see her starting at her new job yet based off that, but whatever happens here might be the impetus for her to apply.  

By the way, if you're scratching your head trying to figuring out from which song my title for today's post came, I wouldn't actually classify it as a song - it actually comes from the old Wednesday night Letterman skit (where they bring out some random object/person doing something and "guess" whether it's anything or not).  But since the dorky bandleader actually made a brief lyric about it (basically he just sang the above words to music) I'm going to count it as such.  You know what they(?) say - "My blog, my rules".

Speaking of lyrics, I still have to come up with two cheesy Halloween-ish ones for tomorrow...

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