Friday, February 3, 2017

"One Foot On The Brake, And One On The Gas"

I still have no idea what the plan is for Modern Family on February 15th - while there are press releases out for all the other Wednesday comedies that night, there's nothing for MF.  And ABC's press site has no mention on even a rerun for that night.  I don't want to think about the implications yet if it's going to be a repeat (or worse, a preemption), but if either happens I'm not going to be happy.  I\ll keep you posted.   (Hopefully I just got some of that reverse psychology stuff going and I'll hear something today).

On the other hand, there is a promo commercial out for next week's "Do You Believe In Magic":

The key point happens about 4 seconds in, as we see Alex aggressively start to kiss some guy in a strange room whom I do not recognize.   I'm not sure where that is set - it could be at college (which would answer one big question) or, possibly, given the "too close to family" angle of the story, could be at her grandfather's closet business office.  I don't think it's at the coffee shop, but that's not an impossible scenario either.

But it's too early to say if that guy even turns out to be the secret admirer - it may turn out to be a red herring (i.e. Alex thinks it's him, but he isn't) .  Which still leaves open the (ugh) possibility that Haley's boyfriend Rainer is the one (in the promo right before Alex's kiss they show Haley throwing a drink on him - could that be why?)

So one plot thickens while another sits in a forgotten refrigerator.

P.S. By the way, I can't drive 55 either, or 45 or even 15 - I never learned how.

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