Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Every Night, Before The Dawn Meets The Light" (Second Quarter Recap, Sort Of)

Actually, there's not much to recap - Alex had a brief flirtation with Dwight, the high school football player staying at Cam's house during "Thanksgiving Jamboree", and started her barista job at the coffee shop, although we have little idea how that's going (she did appear there twice during the past quarter but did little), and was briefly at another music festival with Haley (which ended abruptly when they found out they accidentally brought $40,000 of Gloria's money with them).  And that's about it (one episode, "Snow Ball" was Alex-less episode #17).

I'm not exactly holding my breath waiting for things to get interesting for Alex in the third quarter (she does have a secret admirer about which we'll hear on Wednesday), but after last night's big game (did those last 20 minutes really happen) there's always hope for a miracle, I guess.

One quick schedule note - my on-screen guide lists "Do It Yourself" for next Wednesday (15th), but no story information is yet available.

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