Monday, February 6, 2017

"Like You're Living In A Circus" (First Impressions - "Finding Fizbo" - Season 8, Episode 14*)

OK, this press release1 is for the episode that airs on February 22th, not next week.  As far as I know, for now "Do It Yourself" is still scheduled for the 15th, at least according to my satellite box on-screen guide.  As soon as I hear/see anything about that one I'll post it.

Anyway, getting back to the episode we now know about:

Alex is not mentioned in any of the story lines (and she's not in any of the promotional photos either), but there is one possible interesting note in the release, depending on what happens this week.

Among the guest characters listed is a guy named Ben (Joe Mande), who is also listed in the release for "Do You Believe In Magic".  Now if it turns out Ben is Alex's secret admirer this week or Alex thinks he is (a reader commented on my post with the promo commercial saying he's the guy Alex is kissing, and I do think it is a possibility) then maybe that story will be revisited in two weeks.  We'll just have to wait and see about that.
*, 1 SpoilerTV has this as the 13th episode - for now I'm assuming it's really the 14th.

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