Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Back To Reality"

[3/27 UPDATE: I finally found a video of this promo - I've added it after the "Read more" jump.]

At the end of tonight's repeat episode, ABC aired a promo commercial for next week's "Five Minutes".  In that commercial there was a quick shot of a scene which answers my earlier question about where Phil and Claire's surprise visit takes place:

(Sorry for the terrible screen capture - it's the best I could do from my phone.  I'll add a link to a video when I can find one - Claire and Phil are reacting to seeing Ben.)

Obviously that's a dorm room and not the coffee shop, so we now know that Alex is indeed back in school.  Which is good news, as it appears her life is back on track (for now).

[UPDATE: Here is a video of that promo:]

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