Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"It's A Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes" (First Impressions - "Five Minutes" - Season 8, Episode 18)

Well it turns out I did get one thing wrong last week - I figured we were looking at a break of at least two weeks before the next new episode would air.  But that's not the case, as the next new episode will air next Wednesday.

And Alex will have a role in it, and it could get very interesting, but not necessarily in a good way:

"Meanwhile, Phil and Claire pay a surprise visit to Alex and are given a five-minute surprise introduction to her new boyfriend."

So it looks like things are going to come to a head as far as her family finding out about her relationship with Ben (he is listed as a guest character).  I don't think Phil is going to be that upset about it (except possibly for the age difference, although as noted theirs is nowhere near as a large a gap as that between Haley and Rainer).

On the other hand, Claire may very well have a meltdown when she finds out that her assistant and her daughter are going together.  There is a strong chance we see fireworks between Claire and Alex, especially if she forces Ben to choose between Alex and his career.

There is one thing about which I'm curious: the release doesn't mention where this surprise visit takes place (the promo photos at the link leave no hints - they're all about Mitch and Cam's five minute story).  Are they going to see Alex at her coffee shop job or at CalTech?  I'd like to see it be the latter (that would confirm she has gone back to school), but my best guess is it will be the former.

One reason for some optimism for a good episode: Elaine Ko wrote it and we know she can work wonders with an Alex story.

Finally, this is my 300th post on this blog, which in one mathematical sense is fitting - there are 300 seconds in five minutes.  Of course Alex probably figured out that equation back in nursery school.

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