Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"He Was Really Saying Something(?)"

OK, maybe not, but I do have a couple of quick notes:

I think I found out just what Alex's costume was last week - someone on another blog said she was portraying a Prohibition supporter.  That would more than explain the "Devil's brew" line from the wedding hi jinks.

It looks like there's no Modern Family episode airing at all on April 26th - ABC is airing two black-ish episodes that night.  So you can probably guess what I'll be doing at 9:00 that night, unless I have to work (and if you can't, here's a hint)...

If you watched Ariel's appearance on Conan this evening (and if you didn't why not1) you were treated to a quick clip from a future episode where Alex and the rest of the women from the show were having a bit of car trouble while trying to get to a women's rights event.

I'm guessing that will be from "All Things Being Equal" - it's the next episode on the schedule and a story about women's rights sounds about right for the title.  Which probably leaves "Alone Time" as the last best chance for a big Alex story this season.

No hints about the show's future came out of the interview, but Ariel will be on The Talk again this Friday (and if she goes to New York City for the debut of Dog Years at the Tribeca Film Festival next week we might see her do more interviews then) so maybe she drops a hint or two then (I doubt she'll say much though - everyone's keeping it quiet so far).  I may have some thoughts on that myself this weekend, if I'm not left totally exhausted from the retail Hell that will be the next three days (with a doctor's appointment on Friday thrown in for good measure).
1I will accept "Conan's not very funny" as an answer - I still feel he got a raw deal in the Tonight Show fiasco from a few years ago but I've never really warmed to his act.

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