Wednesday, April 5, 2017

“I Heard Her Pray The Night Chicago Died” (“Frank's Wedding” Recap)

R.I.P., Alex Dunphy, Schoolteacher or Librarian (18981 - 1920something).  I'm still not sure exactly what she was supposed to be.

It figures that Haley was the one who picked Alex's outfit (that explains why it was the outlier costume in the family even allowing for the fact they all looked out of place) – too bad it backfired (OK, that's probably a [vastly] minority opinion but I still think Alex was cute tonight).

I am glad she did ultimately join in the fun, even if (typically) she did get shot more than anyone – she took a couple in the back as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if Haley and Luke (maybe even Claire) took at least a little bit of sadistic pleasure in drenching their sister (daughter) in paint.

 I didn't really like that she was the last one in the family to worry that they took the fun (phun?) out of Phil – that scene almost dragged this into “rare unlikable Alex” territory but the finale pulled it away.

Other than that, tonight went about as expected – she wasn't totally just a (cute) piece of scenery but tonight really wasn't much about Alex. That the rest of the episode was quite good does make up for that somewhat.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”You're all mad with the Devil's brew!” I know I said this morning that the “wool underwear” line revealed in the promo was probably going to be her line of the night, but the more I thought about it, the less comfortable I felt picking it. So I went with the line that got her shot at the wedding. I liked it better anyway as it was a symbol of her willingness to play along with the rest of the family.

And we're off on another break. Can we get one more big Alex story before we wrap things up? And will we find out before they come back whether or not by “wrap things up” it ends up meaning for the season or forever?
1 Basically I took Alex's birth year (1998) and subtracted 100.  About 22-25 sounded about right for her "character's" age.

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