Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"I Should Run, On The Double"

Riddle me this, Batman - what is worse than re-running one Alex-less episode of Modern Family?

How about re-running two Alex-less episodes on the same night!

That's just what appears to be happening in two weeks (8/23), at least according to ABC's press site.  "Pig Moon Rising" airs at 9:00, and "Do It Yourself" airs at 10:00 (this bizarre out of sequence scheduling of re-runs this summer would make even the most hardened pirate seasick).

(Interestingly, I found out that if I clicked any press release title on that page, they now show what the press release says.  I don't know if that's new or something that's been there all along, but given my lack of researching prowess I'm guessing the latter.)

Combine that with two straight weeks of pre-emptions this week and next, and clearly we are in the dog days of summer (not to be confused with Ariel's movie Dog Years, the status of which is still not known).

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