Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"It's Not That Hard If You Just Turn The Key"

Happy Anniversary, again!  It's hard to believe it's been three years since I started this blog, and even harder to believe I'm still doing it (I don't exactly have a strong history at keeping projects going for long).

 Anyway, on to somewhat more important stuff:

Finally, a little bit of news about Season 9 has come out, in the form of titles for the first two episodes (actually, the first episode title was revealed last week but I missed it, then yesterday the second one was revealed).  But does either one give any hope for seeing much for Alex?

The first episode's title, "Catch Of The Day", doesn't sound that interesting (Phil trying to take Jay fishing again?).

On the other hand, the second episode's title of "The Long Goodbye" does have at least a little bit of potential.   I'm assuming the main story of that one will be Manny heading off to college and how hard that hits Gloria (but I'm guessing there will be a last minute change of heart and he'll stay close to home).

But I think there's a chance for something for Alex - what if she decides that it's time for her to get her own more permanent place to live away from home (i.e. an apartment and not just a CalTech dorm)?  Maybe Cam and Mitch figure that using their second floor for a bed and breakfast just isn't working out anymore, and decide to rent it out monthly - I could totally see Alex, maybe alone or with Haley, being their tenant(s) (I've seen other fans post that theory of the two of them getting their own place to live on other message boards so it's not an original idea).

I wouldn't exactly hold my breath expecting that to happen (especially given my track record), but let's keep it in the backs of our minds.

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