Sunday, August 27, 2017

“Just Can't Wait To Get On The Road Again”

Well, actually, in this case, a (house)boat.

There's going to be a “Modern Family goes away on vacation” episode early this season, as the cast has been filming scenes in Lake Tahoe this past week. And it looks like the title of that episode (for now) will be “Lake Life”.

Although currently this episode is listed as the third episode of the season in SpoilerTV's database, it appears from this local (Lake Tahoe) article (which mentions the story mainly takes place on a houseboat on the lake) that it will actually be the season opener, so also look for some early episode switching this season as well (since Lake Tahoe is a summer vacation spot it would make perfect sense for this to be the season opener).

I suppose it's also possible this could turn into a two-parter with “Catch Of The Day”.

But getting back to the perpetual $64 dollar question of this blog, what does this mean for Alex?

Well. I don't have high expectations, since usually these travel episodes are mostly used as an opportunity for all of the characters to have a piece of the action1 (some more than others, of course), so a big story for Alex isn't likely (not impossible though – see “Goodnight Gracie” and her beautiful tribute to her late grandmother).

And I don't expect a lot of drama, either (that will probably have to wait until at least “The Long Goodbye”) - again, except for Alex's role in “Goodnight Gracie” her scenes (and everybody's) on these trips are usually treated mostly light-heartedly. The only possibility I see is if something happens to the aforementioned houseboat and the family gets stranded, getting everyone on each others nerves, leading to a “The Breakfast Club”-esque soul-baring group conversation (of course there's been more than a few of those on this show without needing a boat).

And why do I get a feeling Alex is going to get seasick (or is it lakesick)? If there is going to be a story about someone not taking well to water Alex would probably be equal favorite with Phil to be that person  (Phil for the hi-jinks factor, Alex because she lately tends to get a lot of irritating or worse health problems).
1 The kid-less “Las Vegas” being an obvious exception.

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