You can probably guess from here what I think about tonight:
Anticipation Level: Very Low.
Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.
Game Changing Potential: Very Low.
Honestly, even if Alex is here tonight, there's very little chance anything interesting will happen tonight – I feel like everything's on hold until next week.
So, how much chance do I think Alex will not be on tonight?
Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Medium to High. Going into tonight's episode exactly 10% of the 190 episodes aired have been Alex-less, which is usually about where that percentage stands (for now – I still think by season's end the percentage will be higher). So, when I say there is a medium chance of an episode being Alex-less, I'm saying that I think there's about a 10% chance of it happening.
I think tonight has a slightly worse chance than that (about 15%), which bumps the level up to “Medium to High”. The big reason is I still feel they're going to get one of the Alex-less episodes out of the way early, and with her definitely being in the next two episodes (especially next week with a potentially big Alex story1), that puts tonight in the cross-hairs.
Also, as we know tonight's episode is almost all about the adults – I feel like there's a very high chance at least one of the kids will be absent, and I still feel on any given episode where at least one kid isn't there, Alex is the most likely to be one of them.
Are There Any Other Questions?
For those new to this blog, there won't be a formal recap tonight if Alex doesn't appear. But I'll almost certainly have something to say. And, if I find evidence before the show starts that Alex will actually be there I'll pass it along.
1 Actually I think that potential has decreased slightly because of we know about the Halloween episode that follows (that's not necessarily a bad thing, at least as how life goes for Alex is concerned), but I'll elaborate next week.