Wednesday, December 27, 2017

"Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun(?)" (First Impressions - "He Said, She Shed" AND "Dear Beloved Family" - Season 9, Episodes 11 and 12)

Two press releases at almost the same time:

He Said, She Shed

Dear Beloved Family (Episode 200)

Neither one mentions Alex in particular, so that's disappointing (hence the question mark in the post title1).  I do think she'll have more than a little bit to do in the 200th episode though, since Phil is facing a serious health concern (worse than "Up All Night" by the sound of it).  It looks like they're playing this one more seriously than usual (which is not a bad thing, IMO).

The first episode, OTOH, could very well be Alex-less episode #3.  Not a lock, by any means, but I didn't see Alex in the promo commercial for it either so the possibility is very much there.

[12/28 UPDATE: Never mind the fear of another Alex-less episode - there are some sneak peeks added to the "He Said, She Shed" link, and Alex is in the first of them.]

(BTW, I'm still holding out hope for a Stella story, even though the "She Shed" part revolves around Claire and Phil).
1OK, I cheated a bit this time - that snippet is actually from a commercial jingle (an old one for Doublemint Gum).

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